Hi! My name is Mel ✌🏼

Hi! My name is Mel ✌🏼
I’m the oldest of 6 kids, I’m from southern Nevada but moved to northern Utah around 12 years old.
My favorite color is neutrals.
I married Robbie 3 years ago and he’s my best friend.
I’ve never broken a bone or been stung by a bee.
I can fall asleep almost anywhere and take a decent nap.
I’ve always loved art and been a creative. I remember distinctly being told I could match colors really well in a second grade art class and that went straight to my head. Ever since I’ve always found joy I’m making. I didn’t start watercoloring until i was 20 years old and now I have no clue why. It’s been incredible to share my joy with you all and see it grow into a business that provides for my family. 💛
If you have any questions for me, drop them below or leave me some info about you, I’d love to get to know you better!


Infertility Story